Implement vocational training policy for youth


Implement vocational training policy for youth

In recent years, vocational training and job creation for young people in our country have achieved positive results. The propaganda of undertakings and policies on vocational training and job creation is promoted; effectively develop and implement programs and plans for vocational training and job creation, contributing to improving the quality of human resources, meeting the requirements of the process of industrialization and modernization of the country; At the same time, helping young people have stable jobs, improve their lives, and increase their incomes

Implementing the guiding spirit of the system of legal documents of the Party and the State on the development of vocational education in the new period, over the past time, ministries and branches have organized the review and arrangement of vocational training institutions. vocational education under the scope of management under the prescribed conditions. Accordingly, vocational education institutions that do not meet the prescribed conditions or operate inefficiently will be rearranged towards dissolution or merger. The network of vocational education institutions is streamlined, but still ensures national coverage, diversity in training types, levels and operating models. According to the General Department of Vocational Education and Training (Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs), up to now, a network of vocational education institutions has been established and distributed nationwide with 1,917 institutions, of which 400 are high schools. colleges, 492 secondary schools and 1025 vocational education centers. The rate of graduates who get a job within 6 months is 80-85%, in which there are 100% occupations, with an average income of 7-10 million VND/month .

Currently, in our country, a system of high-quality and prestigious vocational education institutions has been formed in our country, meeting the accreditation standards of prestigious international accrediting organizations such as ABES, countries with high-quality training systems. Vocational training and development such as Australia, Germany, England, etc. The system of vocational education institutions with many training disciplines has helped young people have the opportunity to study to improve their skills and confidently enter working life.